22573VIC – Certificate II in Signage and Graphics is designed to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge to prepare for an apprenticeship within the signage and graphics industry.
Students enrolled in 22573VIC – Certificate II in Signage and Graphics have access to SYDSIGNS@CRC Sydenham. This business unit closely mirrors an industry environment, offering both training and a professional workspace. The fully equipped workshop is open to the public, where training is conducted by industry professionals, and students gain hands-on experience by serving genuine paying customers from the community.
Course Proposed Delivery Plan
Year 1
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (delivered through service agreement with – Star Training & Assessing – Code 21830)
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
HLTAID011 Provide first aid
VU23072 Produce basic signs
CPCCCM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
VU23071 Use sign industry tools and equipment (*)
Year 2
VU23075 Operate a CNC machine to produce signage components(*)
CPCCSG3016 Prepare surfaces for signs
CPCCCM1014 Conduct workplace communication
CPCCCM2010B Work safely at heights (*)
VU23073 Produce basic computer aided manufactured vinyl signs
(*)Unit has prerequisites
Career Pathways
Sign Manufacturer
Education Pathways
Certificate II in Signage and Graphics is to provide graduates with the basic skills and knowledge to prepare students for an apprenticeship within the signage and graphics industry.
Year 1 Classes are conducted Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 2 Classes are conducted Thursday
Assessment Methods
Written Questions
Practical Assessments
Dress Code
Signage and Graphics Students are required to wear the business uniform supplied to them.
Course information is subject to change according to Training Package and or Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) updates.
Refer to homeschool for fee schedule